Ground Cover
Veronica prostrata
Common names: Prostrate Speedwell, Harebell Speedwell 'Trehane'

Herbaceous evergreen reaching about 12" high and 18" spread. Full sun and well-drained soils are their only demands; otherwise they are relatively easy to grow. 'Nestor' is a fast-growing, mat-forming Veronica with light blue flowers.
Chamaemelum nobile Treneague
Common names: Chamomile nobile

Treneague never flowers and is very sweet smelling. The plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils, requires well-drained soil and can grow in nutritionally poor soil. The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils and can grow in very alkaline soil. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It requires dry or moist soil and can tolerate drought.
Height: 10cm, Spread: 45cm
Thymus citriodorus
Common names: lemon flavor thyme

Evergreen woody perennial subshrub, up to 6 to 8 inches tall (15-20 cm), 12 to 18 inches in spread (30-40 cm); lemon-scented foliage, a number of cultivars with variegated foliage
Plant in full sun to light shade; providing little to moderate water, drought tolerant, prefers good drainage. Propagate by seeds.
Thymus praecox Ruby Glow
Common names: thyme ruby glow

The tightly-packed foliage, just 4 inches high, is so fragrant that the lightest touch sends a pleasant wave of spicy Thyme scent wafting through the garden. Very resistant to drought, cold winters, poor soils, and shallow soil, this quick grower spreads up to 2 feet wide in no time, and returns for many years of glory. You just can't beat it for low-growing, dependable color and fragrance. Space plants about 10 inches apart for a solid carpet of color. Ruby Glow accommodates just about any conditions except wet, poorly-drained soil.
Pratia pedunculata aka Laurentia fluviatilis
Common names: blue star creeper, swamp isotome

Laurentia has become one of our favorite groundcovers, both for the woodland garden and in between stepping stones. This adorable little plant makes a 1" tall mat of round, green leaves and equally tiny, light blue flowers in spring. In a slightly moist site, which it prefers, expect a 12-18" spread by the end of the first season. Sun to light shade.
Herniaria glabra
Common names: smooth rupturewort, green carpet

This lovely bright green creeper spreads effortlessly in all directions filling up to two feet per plant. A fairly flat plant of about two inches, it has one long tap root (as opposed to many surface roots like a Creeping Thyme) which helps with water conservation. It likes full sun but it can take partial shade.
Selaginella kraussiana
Common names: trailing spike

Has a limitless spread. It's tiny, bright green leaves, overlap along jointed stems.
Perennial, creeping rhizomes, forming dense mats of green foliage 3 to 6 inches thick (7-15 cm), 12 to 24 inches in spread (30-60 cm). Abundant water and humidity in summer, keep a little drier in winter, well-drained, organically rich soil.
Penstemon caespitosus Nutt. ex Gray
Common names: Mat penstemon

Spreading mat-like mounds of small, narrow, dark green leaves abound with purple tubular flowers in early summer. Native to dry open areas of the western central Rocky Mountains.
Grows best in full sun.
Penstemon procumbens ‘Claude Barr’
Common names: Claude Barr’s mat penstemon
1” x 15” wide, (cutting propagated). A vigorous, ground hugging selection of the mountain dwelling Colorado native P. procumbens, with rounded, glossy, dark green foliage and small, deep blue, trumpet-shaped flowers. Excellent as a rock garden ground cover. True to its mountain origins, this plant is not recommended for the hot, dry southwestern.
Vinca minor Dwarf Periwinkle

Rapid growing evergreen growing 4-6" high. Requires shade to partial shade forming a non-climbing dense mat. A lilac-blue funnel-shaped flowers in spring. When planting ensure to use a spacing of 8" 12" between plants, leaving enough space for it to spread. Planting should be done in the spring, especially for areas with a bad winter season. Pruning is done normally by thinning out, in order to increase vigor. It requires moderate watering, normally twice per month and performs well in semi shaded areas. Fertilizing isn't required frequently but a light application of any complete fertilizer can be added;
Myoporum parvifolium
Common name: Creeping Boobialla

It develops into a dense, weed suppressing ground cover. Individual plants will cover an area in excess of one square metre. The species comes in a range of leaf shapes and colours. Creeping Boobialla is one of the easiest natives to strike from cuttings.
Common names: Prostrate Speedwell, Harebell Speedwell 'Trehane'

Herbaceous evergreen reaching about 12" high and 18" spread. Full sun and well-drained soils are their only demands; otherwise they are relatively easy to grow. 'Nestor' is a fast-growing, mat-forming Veronica with light blue flowers.
Chamaemelum nobile Treneague
Common names: Chamomile nobile

Treneague never flowers and is very sweet smelling. The plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils, requires well-drained soil and can grow in nutritionally poor soil. The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils and can grow in very alkaline soil. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It requires dry or moist soil and can tolerate drought.
Height: 10cm, Spread: 45cm
Thymus citriodorus
Common names: lemon flavor thyme

Evergreen woody perennial subshrub, up to 6 to 8 inches tall (15-20 cm), 12 to 18 inches in spread (30-40 cm); lemon-scented foliage, a number of cultivars with variegated foliage
Plant in full sun to light shade; providing little to moderate water, drought tolerant, prefers good drainage. Propagate by seeds.
Thymus praecox Ruby Glow
Common names: thyme ruby glow

The tightly-packed foliage, just 4 inches high, is so fragrant that the lightest touch sends a pleasant wave of spicy Thyme scent wafting through the garden. Very resistant to drought, cold winters, poor soils, and shallow soil, this quick grower spreads up to 2 feet wide in no time, and returns for many years of glory. You just can't beat it for low-growing, dependable color and fragrance. Space plants about 10 inches apart for a solid carpet of color. Ruby Glow accommodates just about any conditions except wet, poorly-drained soil.
Pratia pedunculata aka Laurentia fluviatilis
Common names: blue star creeper, swamp isotome

Laurentia has become one of our favorite groundcovers, both for the woodland garden and in between stepping stones. This adorable little plant makes a 1" tall mat of round, green leaves and equally tiny, light blue flowers in spring. In a slightly moist site, which it prefers, expect a 12-18" spread by the end of the first season. Sun to light shade.
Herniaria glabra
Common names: smooth rupturewort, green carpet

This lovely bright green creeper spreads effortlessly in all directions filling up to two feet per plant. A fairly flat plant of about two inches, it has one long tap root (as opposed to many surface roots like a Creeping Thyme) which helps with water conservation. It likes full sun but it can take partial shade.
Selaginella kraussiana
Common names: trailing spike

Has a limitless spread. It's tiny, bright green leaves, overlap along jointed stems.
Perennial, creeping rhizomes, forming dense mats of green foliage 3 to 6 inches thick (7-15 cm), 12 to 24 inches in spread (30-60 cm). Abundant water and humidity in summer, keep a little drier in winter, well-drained, organically rich soil.
Penstemon caespitosus Nutt. ex Gray
Common names: Mat penstemon
Spreading mat-like mounds of small, narrow, dark green leaves abound with purple tubular flowers in early summer. Native to dry open areas of the western central Rocky Mountains.
Grows best in full sun.
Penstemon procumbens ‘Claude Barr’
Common names: Claude Barr’s mat penstemon
1” x 15” wide, (cutting propagated). A vigorous, ground hugging selection of the mountain dwelling Colorado native P. procumbens, with rounded, glossy, dark green foliage and small, deep blue, trumpet-shaped flowers. Excellent as a rock garden ground cover. True to its mountain origins, this plant is not recommended for the hot, dry southwestern.
Vinca minor Dwarf Periwinkle

Rapid growing evergreen growing 4-6" high. Requires shade to partial shade forming a non-climbing dense mat. A lilac-blue funnel-shaped flowers in spring. When planting ensure to use a spacing of 8" 12" between plants, leaving enough space for it to spread. Planting should be done in the spring, especially for areas with a bad winter season. Pruning is done normally by thinning out, in order to increase vigor. It requires moderate watering, normally twice per month and performs well in semi shaded areas. Fertilizing isn't required frequently but a light application of any complete fertilizer can be added;
Myoporum parvifolium
Common name: Creeping Boobialla
It develops into a dense, weed suppressing ground cover. Individual plants will cover an area in excess of one square metre. The species comes in a range of leaf shapes and colours. Creeping Boobialla is one of the easiest natives to strike from cuttings.
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